La primera horneada – The first bake

La sensación de tener un horno en casa terminado sin poderlo usar, ya que hay que esperar a que termine su proceso de curación, es muy frustrante.  En general recomiendo que el proceso de curación sea de tres semanas en donde se enciende un pequeño fuego cada dos días, el primero con una duración de 10 minutos e irlo extendiendo en incrementos de diez minutos cada vez.  En este caso los clientes lo hicieron al pie de la letra y hace un par de días pudieron estrenar por primera vez su horno de barro!

Comparto con ustedes este pequeño video demonstrativo que describe y resume el proyecto.

¡Espero que lo disfruten!

The feeling of having an new oven and not being able to use it because it need to cure is very frustrating! I know this because when I made my wife and I built our very first oven we weren’t able to wait and made a pizza in it the very next day (which wasn’t very good for the oven!).  I generally recommend curing the oven over a period of three weeks during which small fires are to be lit every other day starting with a ten minute fire and then increasing it’s length and intensity in intervals of ten minutes until the three weeks are up.  The clients of my most recent oven were very good about this and a couple days ago they used their oven to bake muffins for the very first time.

Here is a short video that talks a bit about the oven and how it was made.

Hope you enjoy!


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